Comfort and Convenience of a Big City: Switching Heat Loads Resulted in Greenhouse Gases Emission Decrease by over 1.2 mln tons in Moscow

Collaborative heat loads switching program, implemented by OOO «Gazprom Energoholding», PJSC «MOEK» and PJSC «Mosenergo», resulted for Moscow in over 1.2 mln tons decrease of greenhouse gases emission, and over 1,000 tons nitrogen oxides emission decrease. This is equivalent to emissions, caused by yearly heating of a medium-sized town with a population of 400 thous. people.

The switching volume remained at the level of 2022, amounting to 6.4 mln Gcal. In 2024, the Companies will go on maintaining the volume of loads switching to CHPPs, despite of constant city development process and connection of new consumers.

Lower harmful emissions are achieved on the account of heat loads switching from boiler houses to PJSC «Mosenergo» CHPPs. PJSC « MOEK» does not stop the switching neither in heating season, nor summer repair campaign. Over recent years the focus of attention is search and implementation of temporary switching schemes in the beginning and at the end of the heating season. It makes possible to increase the CHPPs efficiency on the account of increased electricity output on thermal consumption.

“This work significantly adds to clean air protection in Moscow. For comparison, it takes a forest with a square of 80 Bitsevsky Parks (twice as much as square of all Moscow green zones — lawns, gardens, parks, forest-parks etc.) to consume 1.2 mln tons of greenhouse gases under natural conditions” — said Denis Bashuk, Managing Director of PJSC «MOEK».

“The Company on a constant basis renovates and improves the generating equipment, in order to make the production more energy efficient and economically viable. Mosenergo regularly realizes environmental protection measures, aimed at decrease of pollutant substances and greenhouse gases. The performed activities resulted in greenhouse gases emission decrease by 24%, compared to 1990. Thus, the Company has considerably contributed to the targets of Moscow carbon footprint reduction” — said Alexander Butko, Managing Director of PJSC «Mosenergo».

For Reference:

The program has been implemented since 2013 under the management of OOO «Gazprom Energoholding» and is a priority for the Group. During this period, it was made possible to switch the heat loads of 52 boiler houses to Mosenergo CHPPs.