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October 2024 year

Mosenergo increased electricity generation by 6.5% and heat output by 9.2% in January-September of 2024

PJSC «Mosenergo» summed up the operational results for the 9 months of 2024.

Comfort and Convenience of a Big City: Switching Heat Loads Project Wins «Green Eurasia» Award

The joint project of OOO «Gazprom Energoholding», PJSC «MOEK» and PJSC «Mosenergo» and Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development has been implemented since 2013 and is a priority for the Gazprom Energoholding Group. During this period, it was made possible to switch the thermal loads of 52 boiler houses to Mosenergo’s CHPPs through multi-iteration calculations of the hydraulic operating modes of PJSC «MOEK»’s heating networks.