Comfort and Convenience of a Big City: Switching Heat Loads Project Wins «Green Eurasia» Award

«Comfort and Convenience of a Big City: Switching Heat Loads as the Basis for Moscow's Energy Efficiency» project won the first place in the «Low-Carbon Energy» category at the «Green Eurasia» international climate contest.

The joint project of OOO «Gazprom Energoholding», PJSC «MOEK» and PJSC «Mosenergo» and Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development has been implemented since 2013 and is a priority for the Gazprom Energoholding Group. During this period, it was made possible to switch the thermal loads of 52 boiler houses to Mosenergo’s CHPPs through multi-iteration calculations of the hydraulic operating modes of PJSC «MOEK»’s heating networks.

In 2023, implementation of the program for switching the load between heat generation sources led to reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Moscow by over 1.2 million tons, nitrogen oxides — by over 1,000 tons. The same amount of emissions is released into the atmosphere in course of heat supply of an average city with a population of 400 thousand residents during one year.

The volume of switching remained at the 2022 level amounting to 6.4 million Gcal. In 2024, the companies continue the work to maintain the volume of the switched load to CHPPs, despite of constant city development and connection of new consumers.

The reduction of harmful emissions is achieved by transferring heat loads from boiler houses to Mosenergo’s CHPPs, which is carried out by PJSC «MOEK» both during the heating season and during the summer repair campaign. Over recent years the focus of attention has been search and implementation of temporary switching schemes in the beginning and at the end of the heating season. This allows increasing the efficiency of the CHPPs on the account of increased electricity output on thermal consumption.